Painting Imperfectly

When I first started this blog back in February 2018 my goal was to work on my tendencies of perfection. A way to learn to accept my imperfections and realize not only are they not a “problem”, they are actually part of what makes me ME! I also started this because writing has always been a way for me to de-stress. It is a balm for my soul.

I have now found something else that soothes my soul and helps me to de-stress – Dot painting. It started out with me seeing some pictures online that I thought were beautiful, then I joined a couple Facebook groups and started stalking the posts. They were groups for beginners where those more experienced gave advice and pointers to those just starting. Then I finally jumped in and tried it myself.

Now this was a big step because my need to be perfect has often kept me from doing things. If I can’t do it perfect, why bother. However, these groups were amazing. Many people would share their first attempts and would post multiple pictures to show their progress over time. Everyone was so encouraging and gave such great advice. It was inspiring to see. I finally convinced myself that I could do it and bought some paint and a small kit of tools. It was a very small investment, although many start using items around the house for dotting.

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